The Marines have not missed their first term recruiting goals since sometime in the 1990’s. In fact the Corps first term recruiting mission is larger than the Air Force at 33k annually vice 22k.

Many assume ignorantly that because the Corps is small that it’s recruiting mission is also low.

I would challenge anyone to give specifics on how DEI has a impact on the Marine Corps. One could argue that women in combat arms as an issue however we have no indications that it has decreased readiness nor any combat after action that can confirm this.

During my two tours in Irag I witnessed females in combat from support units and observed no decrease in closing with and destroying the enemy. Fighting along side their males counterparts.

Finally my own daughter just retired from the Corps after 21 years with deployments to Irag, Afganistan and the horn of africa. Upon retirement she remains harder than woodpecker lips.

The Corps has used the same recruiting strategy since 1973. While the other services focus on tangible features and benefits the Corps has remained true to intangible benefits as the author mentions.

Challenge, pride of belonging, patriotism, self discipline, self reliance, physical fitness, leadership and management skills. These intangibles draw individuals from across the spectrum of society that no matter the economic situation or politics have a need for travel and adventure that the Corps can fullfill.

So don’t throw the baby out with the bath water by including all the services in deciding combat readiness.

And remember what eleanor Roosevelt said;

“The Marines I have seen around the world have the cleanest bodies, the filthiest minds, the highest morale, and the lowest morals of any group of animals I have ever seen. Thank God for the United States Marine Corps!”

Eleanor Roosevelt

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All politics appears local, even when it’s national- or in our case Globalist.

You don’t have a problem in the Corps. America has a problem, the USMC is American.

There’s nothing discussed here or about the military in general that is peculiar to the military- this is our government and the entire elite establishment and managerial class.

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We don’t have a discipline problem. We have a betrayal problem. Discipline worked against us because we trusted and then followed, obeyed the wrong people- and we knew it and still obeyed even after we stopped trusting them.

We don’t need to press uniforms (what century are you living in) nor polish suede boots.

We need real leaders, who shall come for the phonies bearing not polish but rope, not subordination but grim visages of judgement.

And these leaders will rise.


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A naval defense consultant I know all too well (unfortunately) spent 2020 blogging with delight every time Trump held a rally, hoping for the attendees to catch Covid. Trump support comes from the same demographic, of course, that normally supports the military. This asshole now wonders why straight white guys want nothing to do with his navy.

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Sabotage isn’t necessary.

They just need to be themselves.

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A solution, not a problem.


the fleet can return home.

white elephants.

and tow targets are needed. for our Drones.


when outfitted with counter-Drone and Drones added to package, and missiles they may sail again, but the love affair festering romantic angle combined with ginormous corruption and clear loss of decent work morals at shipyards- the spell must be broken. No Sailor is rational about their ships, not in recent history of last few centuries. Well, it ain’t working now.

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Excellent, thank you. Definitely an off-record purge of whites taking place. Most of the vets I talk to describe things just not going well for them. Promotions not happening, stonewalling, jobs denied. So they left.

To me the Covid vaccine purge was a big deal because it purged the most conscientious in the ranks. People willing to take the hit for what they believe. Battles aren't won by the thousands, they're won by the one that's willing to do anything and everything necessary. The military systematically purged those people in 2020. For what? So Pfizer could make some money. Fools.

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